VeloRaptors Clearing The Way!

Our Wednesday ride often splits into two or more groups, depending on destination and pace, and usually this occurs after a regroup at the top of Redwood Rd.  This past Wednesday, the group was split by a much more dramatic event, a falling tree!  The cycling gods were smiling on us, because riders descended Redwood Rd in two groups, rather than the usual one long string.  I was in the second group, and about half way down we encountered a large oak tree that had fallen across the road.

Actually, most of the tree was along side the road, but a LARGE branch was blocking both lanes.  The good news was that the branch was broken, and several of the VeloRaptors were able to pull one end of the branch toward the opposite side of the road, creating a space where a car could get through.

road clearing 2 road clearing 1

While clearing the road, some of us started to wonder about the riders in the earlier group.  They weren’t that far in front of us, maybe a minute.  We encountered Dennis in Moraga, and asked if he had trouble getting past the tree.  He replied ‘What tree?’  A bit later we encountered Bill, Russ and Geoff in Orinda, just as they were leaving, and again mentioned the tree.  They responded ‘Tree?’  Well,  at least this explained why we were so far behind!

Pothole Reporting

Joan Gallagher here (I’m a relatively new VR member and know many of you from the Wednesday rides). I’m writing to give you information about the Bike East Bay Hazard Reporting service. Sally Goodman asked that I serve as a liaison between the VeloRaptors and Bike East Bay to improve our ability to get our road hazards fixed. I will work with Tom Willging who is on the Bike East Bay board and who is the official VeloRaptor liaison to Bike East Bay.

I realize that many of you are already familiar with Bike East Bay, but may not be familiar with the hazard reporting process. For those of you who aren’t, please review the information below:

Bike East Bay volunteers report road hazards to the responsible jurisdictions in Alameda & Contra Costa Counties, including any hazards reported via  They also liaise with local cycling groups – Grizzly Peak Cyclists, Oakland Yellow Jackets, Bike Walnut Creek, Albany Strollers & Rollers, Cherry City Cyclists etc–and now the VeloRaptors–as they often have local contact knowledge that helps them gain access to the right Public Works or city staff. 

In the case of Oakland, a monthly report of the Top Ten potholes (most hazardous to bicyclists) is submitted.  Several years ago, after lobbying Oakland Public Works for more action resulting from their hazard reports, they were able to get OPW to commit to fixing ten per month.  The volunteers are very vigilant to making sure that OPW follows up on their commitments. They don’t see that many Oakland potholes reported each month on their hazards site, so SeeClickFix (more info below) is checked to fill their allotment. 

Hazards include more than just potholes, though we all probably experience the most frustration from them.  Other hazards include traffic signals that don’t sense bicyclists (older intersections with “loops” are the worst); debris in the bike lane or shoulder (think Grizzly Peak Blvd) overgrowth blocking travel or line of sight (Bay Trail in Albany is a constant problem) and a myriad of other hazards such as regular double-parking, drain grates, poor bike lane striping, hazardous railroad crossings, etc.  

If you see a hazard, please feel free to contact me directly at and I will submit it to the Committee and keep you apprised of its status.  You can also submit your complaint directly to this link:

Other helpful links:    This is the link to the hazard reporting site. The reports that people have filed and are checked daily can be found here: 

For an example, check out that link for the report on Debra Dryden’s South Park crash last September. 

SeeClickFix        This is also a good app for reporting road hazards. The limitation is that it is designed to address a wider range of concerns (including, but not limited to homeless issues, graffiti, etc). Bike-related complaints may not necessarily be their highest priority.

Don’t hesitate to contact me or report something because you think it might have already been reported. And it’s often useful to take a picture to document the exact location.



BORP Revolution Ride – Sept 2015

Once again, the VeloRaptors kicked-off our support of the BORP Revolution ride with our annual BikeWash and Barbeque in June.  The event was held at Randy’s and Christina’s home and put on by your team chefs of Randy, Steve Blair, and Steve Goldenberg.  The bike wash team included Dennis Cathey, Kevin McTighe, Greg Thomas, and Randy.  Once again, the side dishes and desserts everyone brought made the event a smorgasbord enjoyed by all.

On Saturday September 26th, the VeloRaptors were well represented in the BORP (Bay Area Outreach Recreation Program) 2015 Revolution ride.  Members of our team participated in the 65, 45, and 25 mile rides. Our riders included: Steve Goldenberg, Steve Blair, Randy Mellin, Fred Morse, Barbara and Larry DiCostanzo Charlie Klinedinst, Tom Willging, Kathy Tate, and three VeloRaptors BORP Adaptive cyclists: Jorge Alvarado, Beth Smith, and Kate Woodford.

9.26 BORP IMG_2198

9.26 BORP IMG_2223

9.26 BORP IMG_2213

The ride explores the scenic Sonoma wine country around Healdsburg.

9.26 BORP small

Through your generosity, and the family/friends of our riders, we raised a record $14,874.  Overall, the BORP Revolution ride raised just over $200,000 this year, which makes this annual Revolution ride the largest BORP fund raising activity by far.  These funds are greatly needed for BORP to continue providing their many worthwhile programs for disabled children and adults. To read a short summary of the BORP ride and see a few pictures, please visit

I am also sharing the link of the video I produced with my friend Ryan last year showcasing the BORP 2014 Ride.

So, from your BORP 2015 VeloRaptors team, a hearty thanks for your support and for your contributions to BORP.  Everyone’s SUPPORT is important!



Fearless Post-Ride Lament

Fearless Post-Ride Lament:

Fearless:  Got time for ‘recovery drink’ ?  I’m waiting by YMCA entry rd.

Ride Leader:  Sorry, just got your message. Couldn’t make it today – maybe next time

Fearless:  No recovery drink for 3rd Sat Rides ! No bad food, alcohol and social opportunities ? Shocked !

Shocked I am !

(Now smooth Motown sounds)


Please Ride Leader,  Plan for me

Bad food, alcohol, Social opportunity

Please look and see, Been waiting so patiently

Bad food, alcohol, Social opportunity

Please, Please, Please

Ride Leader
